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Beautiful baby Carol

Robert came home from Chincha, a city hit the worse by the earthquake last August, and told me about a beautiful little girl named Carol.  He said that something was wrong with her, she couldn’t walk or talk though she is 2 1/2 years old.  He was struck by her beauty and wanted to help out the family who lost their home, belongings and even their land in the earthquake.  He had gone to Tamba de Mora to ferret out stories of the people who were still suffering from the earthquake.  The World Race Team was coming soon and they were doing a documentary on the earthquake and how the government has done little to help the victims of it.  When you see the devastation to the buildings you are struck with the force of the earthquake but it isn’t until you speak with the people and hear their stories that you see the real extent of the effect of the disaster.  The World Racers came and have reached out to this family.  The mom told Robert that others have come and said they would do something to help them, but they never return.  When Robert returned with 27 World Racers, he told her “I came back”.  The team has ministered to this family for 4 weeks now, praying for baby Carol (though she is 2 1/2 years old, she is at the level of a little baby and it is used as an endearing term) and the rest of the family and they have raised $1250 to get her to the doctors to see what is wrong with her and how she can be helped.  Last Friday, I had the priviledge of going to the hospital with baby Carol, her aunt, 2 sisters, 3 World Racers and an interpreter.  A brain scan was done and a blood test to see if a virus was causing the problem.  Later we returned to hear the analisis by the doctor.  It turns out that her brain was injured when she was around 8 weeks in the womb.  The damage is permanent and the medical community say there is nothing that can be done for her, that she will always be like she is.  She lays limp in her aunts arms but Jenn, a World Racer, was able to raise the biggest smile from her.  It just melts my heart to see it.  The family had such hope.  The doctor gave Jessica, the aunt and main caregiver, perscriptions.  Today, almost a week later, I was able to go with the mom and have those perscriptions filled.  The doctor says a wheelchair could help and well as physical therapy.  She’ll need medication for convulsions at some point, too.  The World Racers want to do more.  They’ve found a doctor who will try to get a specialist in the states to look at the report and get another opinion.  I was able to scan that tonight and send it to Caroline, the World Racer, who will send it to her doctor friend.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Lord would choose to heal this little girl when everything else says recovery is not possible.  Whatever he chooses to do, I know that he has already given her a family who loves her dearly and an incredible beauty that causes many others to want to reach out and help.  Please pray for baby Carol.