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Our First Grandchild

On February 28th the Lord gave us the precious gift of our first grandchild, Eliora Marie Thomas.  Eliora means, “God is our light”.  She waited until Kelsey and I returned to Connecticut from Peru on the 18th of February, and then waited, and waited somemore.  When she was one week past her due date, the doctors decided she needed to be induced.  Seventeen hours later, Julia safely delivered Eliora.  God is so very good! 
All are well and getting used to the new family life.  It is hard to discribe how your life will change when you add a totally dependent child to the picture.  Julia, who is very independent, active and works hard to pursue her goals in life has entered a new chapter of her life.  Even Joe, who is the 5th child of 10 children in his family, wasn’t quite prepared for the reality of parenthood.  They are both embracing it with much love, joy, and hard work.  It is also wonderful to see how well Joe fits into the daddy role.  Though the feeding moments are reserved for mom, he is ready to take care of her in every other way and spends a lot of time talking to her and holding her.  Julia says that Eliora loves the sound of his voice.

Kelsey and I were very happy to spend the remaining 2 weeks we were in Connecticut visiting with Julia and Joe and holding little Eliora.  It was sad to say goodbye, but we loved the time we had. 

Robert was unable to go back to Connecticut due to the World Race Team arriving in Peru the middle of March.  He adores babys so it was a hard one for him with it being his first grandchild.  He loved preparing for the World Race, so that helped.

I have put more pictures on “My Photos” for our times with Eliora in Connecticut.  I am a proud grandma :o). 

Proverbs 17:6 “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”

We probably won’t see Eliora again until she is walking and talking.  This was the most difficult part of coming to Peru, but I willingly gave it up to follow the Lord’s leading to serve him here.  I know there will be other rewards that will naturally result from serving Him.  Praise His holy name!

One comment

  1. Becky, Bob and Kelsey,

    Eliora is a beautiful name and what a beautiful baby! Again, congratulations to you all!

    It was so great to see two out of the three of the Cooley’s at Church! Becky and Kelsey, Peru certainly agrees with you both! Bob, hoping you will be able to join whenever the next visit happens!

    Please know that all three of you are included in my nightly prayers. You are sure special people to give of yourselves in such a full fashion to God and the people of Peru! My thoughts and prayers are with you all!


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